Our friend Sire and I have had some interesting conversations lately on two topics. One is the concept of trying to drive more traffic to one’s blog. The other was how to turn people into buyers, especially if they’re actually clicking on your links.
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Let’s address the first topic of traffic first. I’ve actually broached this subject many times, in different ways. I asked what people would do to get more traffic. In that post I talked about those websites that you can pay that supposedly will send you lots of traffic. It’s not targeted, and you’re not sure any of those people actually clicked and read your stuff, but you’re somehow getting traffic.
I mentioned free traffic exchanges. I mentioned the concept of better SEO and organically driving traffic to you and your site. And I mentioned myself the idea of blog commenting to drive traffic as well. I like the last two the best, although SEO can take awhile and blog commenting is a lot of work.
Of course, there was my rant against those folks who write all these posts about driving massive traffic to one’s blog but copy what everyone else has been writing; I hate that kind of thing. I also have shared something where Alvin Phang talks about how he drives traffic to his blog. And I also have asked people how far they’re willing to go for promotion, although that wasn’t specifically for traffic, but if you promote yourself well you’re probably going to get better traffic.
The reality is that it’s hard getting traffic to come to your site unless you can figure out a way to stand apart. It certainly doesn’t have anything to do with content anymore; sure, content adds value, but I’ve been to some blogs where the entire post is two paragraphs, or is a lot of nothing, and that post will generate 50 comments.
It might have something to do with blog commenting, because people see what you have to say and if they like it they’ll visit you. I think this thing Kristi does every Friday called Fetching Fridays is a wonderful concept, but wow, what a lot of work!
It generates lots of visits because the people she highlights love it, and people who drop by get to see lots of topics and visit blogs they may never have heard of that have articles they want to see. No, I won’t be doing anything like that on a regular basis, so you’ll just have to deal with my occasional highlight of websites you might not know about.
One other thing. This concept of niche blogging is a good one, but just selecting a niche isn’t going to get it done as far as driving lots of traffic, or even making a lot of money. Today I posted my 201st post on my finance blog, Top Finance Blog, as today is the blog’s anniversary (200 posts a year there, 300 here… man, I’m tired!). The niche is finance, which one would have thought was a big issue in this past year with the terrible economy, but it’s generated very little income, few visitors by comparison, and not all that many comments. So, it really depends on picking a niche that you know everyone else is really interested in, then being able to consistently write on that niche without being boring or stealing from others for inspiration.
In other words, other than blog commenting and figuring out how to promote yourself better, I have nothing to add on how to drive traffic to a blog or website; at least not fast.
Now, on to the topic of turning people into buyers. Sire stated on his blog that he believes it could be tied into getting more traffic. I disagreed with that assertion. We both put up our monthly income stats. I made nothing for Commission Junction in November, but I had 283 people actually click on the links, which means they checked out products or the websites. But no buyers. Sire had around 170 or so, and the same thing. Most sales professionals will tell you that you should average at least 1% sales; we both missed that.
One of my friends, Monique, wrote to say that she felt if one actually talked about the product then marketed it that it would generate sales. I didn’t totally dismiss it, because that does sound like a great strategy, but I’ve done that. I talked about my Casio watch and even put the watch I bought at the bottom; no clicks. I’ve written on other products, and I’ll be writing on another product soon; nothing. I’ve actually written 2 posts on the ebook 20 Ways To Make $100 a Day, and never gotten a click, even though I bought the book and it’s what’s led me to my latest career in writing and blog writing for others.
Is it a matter of trust? Well, this guy named Todd asked if people like and trust you, and I commented that I hoped so, but I wasn’t really sure. I get visitors, have subscribers, but no buyers. So, does that mean people don’t trust me, or just that I’m not offering anything that they need?
Then I said to Sire that we had to look at each other to see what makes us respond to buying things. And we really don’t have an answer for that; I think that’s interesting, and something worth exploring. Actually, I asked people before what makes them buy stuff, and got at least a few comments on it. I’m asking again, because I’d love to hear from more people on the subject. And of course the question comes up as to the types of ads people respond to better, banner ads, product ads, or text ads. I’ve tried them all; still no idea.
Either way, it’s probably the question of the ages for anyone trying to market themselves online. I have a lot of questions, but not all that many answers. Anyone figured out the full formula yet? Let us know.
I came from Sire’s blog. Tip: Focus on your keywords. Use them in your subject title and the body of your post. Wordtrackers free tool can be a good friend.
Hi Rose,
Welcome to the discussion, and look, you’re first! I have to admit that I don’t often use keywords in my titles. Truthfully, I find many of those titles stifling for my writing style. It is a great ideas, though, for most people to focus on keywords. I do it on my finance blog, which is probably why it’s ranked pretty well. Still, I think that whatever a blog is about is a bigger draw overall.
Likely Mitch. 😉
.-= Rose´s last blog ..Social Networking Relationships-Online Drama =-.
Mitch, have a look at how these two Aussie sheilas generated a whole lot of cash promoting Amazon products. It seems it’s all in the link and not banner ads at all?
.-= Sire´s last blog ..The New FTC Guidelines, How Fair Is It? =-.
Very nice story, Sire, and thanks for sharing it. It would be nice to see what kind of text links they’re using, because you see that I’m using text links on my blog, though I’m highlighting them so people will know which ones they are (that is, if they’ve read the blog and remember what I said before).
I did ask the question, but they have their reasons for not giving me an url to check out. Reckon we will have to wait for that post.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..The New FTC Guidelines, How Fair Is It? =-.
I can understand why they didn’t share, Sire. Lynn Terry says the same thing, how people will just copy her site and take money out of her pocket.
Banner blindness is an issue we face as people seem to be able to tune them out quite effectively. We have tested many banners over the years and our highest converting ones were actually text based banner ads.
We’ve also tested quite a few selling strategies on our client sites and one of the ones that always performs well is when we ‘frame’ or ‘position’ what we are selling.
An example would be to show a super high-end product (high-cost), a low quality product (low-cost) and then ‘our’ product in the middle (mid range cost).
You explain how the low quality product may be super affordable but lacks certain features etc.
You explain how amazing the high-end product is and how you can get this this and this feature.
You then say you can get almost all of these features for a fraction of the price from ‘our’ product. Obviously it would be worded so much better than this and 100 percent factual! 🙂
This strategy seems to bring the best returns for us and our clients (you wouldn’t do it all the time as you’d dilute the effect).
There are also a lot of other strategies that really help bump-up those conversion rates; calls-to-action, customer feedback, targeted leads, etc.
Great report on testing, Karl. My question is if the same thing works for you on your blogs, or does it work best on regular webpages? I’ve heard of using that particular sales strategy of comparing items, and it seems to work well.
It may be a matter of too many offers. There’s banners, there’s links. You’ve got your products as well as other products.
Perhaps try – for the next 3-4 months – taking whatever brings you your Top 80% of blog revenue and concentrating on maximizing that…and that only.
I’d also suggest focusing your posts on a global level. You do mention that you talk about “Anything Blogging, Online Marketing, and Other Stuff” and your tag cloud (extreme bottom right) supports that.
That liberal take on content may be losing you points in terms of relevance when it comes to ranking in the SEs. Of course, then there’s the matter of not alienating your core readership.
I don’t envy you, friend…but I do like the fact that you share so openly (and your writing style is engaging, too)!
Hi Natasha,
I don’t foresee myself making any changes to this particular blog; it’s the fun blog after all, so, though I’d love to make lots of sales here, I really don’t expect it because of the eclectic group that visits.
Now, on my finance blog, your suggestion would definitely be worth a review, if I had any real traffic at all. I have some, but it will really need to bump itself up, no matter what I do there.
With my other sites,… I’ll have to think about those some more also, as the one niched site does well with Adsense & Infolinks, but nothing else. Once again, it’s a site without products that actually fit for everyone.
And thanks for the nice comments about my writing style; that I appreciate more than anything else! 🙂
I think I’m with you on that one, Dennis, because I’ll click on something on blogs I visit from time to time just to see what it’s all about myself. Always looking for that next opportunity, as you know.