Tag Archives: being unique

Are Unique And Being The Best Antithetical?

I once read a blog post that was supposed to be about leadership. It irked me so much that I had to write a blog post about it on my business blog refuting it. The topic was about whether it was better to be the best or even try to be the best, versus being unique when it came to getting business and leading others.

Silly snoopy snack bento

Sakurako Kitsa via Compfight

The way I’m wired, I believe it’s imperative that people always try to be the best they can be, and to be the best overall if possible. Being unique… heck, everyone’s unique when you think about it.

There are times where being unique can help, such as when you’re trying to catch someone’s eye if everyone happens to be very good. Unique can help one get sales whether they’re good or not, but being good, or trying to be the best, keeps people coming back for more.
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