I’m doing something different this time; I’m starting with a video. Watch it, laugh, but pay attention because once it’s over I’ve got more for you:
Did you enjoy that? I enjoyed it a lot, so much so that I spent a big part of yesterday sharing it with a lot of folks for a lot of different reasons. You’re probably asking yourself why; you know I’m going to tell you. 🙂 Continue reading Black History Month: The Blogger/Social Media Edition→
Last night was the 50th Super Bowl where the Denver Broncos beat the Carolina Panthers 24-10. It was a mild upset because all year long Carolina had pretty much been the premiere team while Denver kind of shocked the world by beating the 2nd best team in the league thanks to their great defense. It wasn’t close to a pretty game but winning beats pretty any day.
Since my rooting interest most years, including this one, was fairly minimal (I have my annual pizza bet with my friend Scott; this year I lost… heck!), it means I’m always more interested in the commercials than anything else. As usual, there were some hits and some misses; also as usual, there were a few commercials that garnered both like and dislike, depending on the person in the audience. Continue reading Product Creation, Marketing, Promotion And Sales→
A couple of days ago I shared a blog post from the consultant’s group I’m a part of, as I’m the main writer there. It’s titled Are You Doing What You Want To Be Doing?, and it asks an important business question; are you doing what you want to be doing, which I guess makes sense.
I posted it on Twitter and got a response back from someone I know saying “not even close”, or something to that effect. Since it came back pretty quickly, I had a feeling he hadn’t actually read the article, so I asked if he was commenting on the title or the article, and he admitted it was just the title, and that he’d read the article when he had some free time. I said he should because there was a question at the end of the article that possibly needs to be addressed: What is it you want to do? Continue reading “Giving Up” Isn’t Always A Negative Thing→
Since today is the beginning of Black History Month, and I’m sharing a picture of Frederick Douglass, I’d like to share this with you… but I’ll be coming back to Douglass later on.
One of my biggest commenters on this blog, who I call Uttam, wrote me an email asking me some questions about blogging when he was starting out. Believe it or not, I don’t get a lot of email asking me questions like this, even though I always offer to answer questions, whether it’s on this blog or a question here and there via email. When I sent him my response he asked if he could put it on his blog; this is the link to that post which he titled Most Common Questions Of A Newbie. Continue reading Bloggers Are Leaders Because…→
Yesterday was a sad one for me. I went to the funeral of a young man who I actually held in my arms as a baby. That was a first for me, as I also took the picture you see here to make it the only 2 pictures I have with him in it, the first being me holding him & my niece Krystal as babies, him just over a month old and her 2 weeks old.
Ryan, the young man in back
The funeral was held at a church that’s morphed over the years I’ve lived in this town from a tiny traditional building into what I’m calling the central New York version of a megachurch. It won’t hold anything like 10,000 people like you have in the south but yesterday it easily held over 300 people, and could have held a lot more. Continue reading Try Something Different, Say Something Different On Your Blog→
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff