It’s been a long while since I wrote a post where I touch upon a lot of different things. I’m doing this for two reasons. One, because each of the things I’m going to talk about are relatively short, which means writing about just one of them wouldn’t be much of a blog post. The other is because this is my last post of 2019, as I’m giving myself a 2-week break.
MLK Plaque
I’ll tell those of you who read this now that after the new year this paragraph will change to remove the part about it being the last post of 2019. Within a couple of years, few of these things will be considered as evergreen content, but one never knows who’s late to the game when they start researching some of the things I’m going to talk about.
Let’s begin.
Continue reading 5 WP Blog, Website & Social Media Things You Need To Know →
I’ll get this out of the way first. I don’t have a cookies policy on any of my blogs or websites. The reason for that is because I refuse to acquiesce to the GDPR policy of the European Union. I live in the United States, I have very few people from Europe who visit any of my sites, and I’m not going to the trouble of putting something up that irritates me when I visit other websites.
okay cookies… |
Of course I visit a lot of other websites and blogs, and if I’m not using Firefox I see these stupid cookies policies everywhere. That’s why I don’t use Chrome all that often, but my biggest problem is with mobile. I’ll be coming to that in a couple of minutes.
Continue reading Is Your Cookie Policy Correct? →
I used to love commercials as a kid. I loved all types of advertising. However, it wasn’t until I ordered the sea monkeys from a comic book and got something that wasn’t quite up to snuff (what the heck was that anyway?) that I started to distrust certain kinds of ads.
That’s what led me to talk about this particular subject. In deference to those who feel people like me are causing them to lose a lot of money, I decided it was time to take on the subject of “adblocking”.
Continue reading Adblocking; Don’t Blame The Consumer →
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff