It’s time for the annual year in review post. I’m not going to lie; 2016 was one of the worst years in my life. The only year worse was 2002 when my dad passed away. I’m really glad this one’s over, and the best thing I can hope for is that 2017 won’t be even worse after January… that’s as far as I’m going with that.
To that end, I’m going to keep this one relatively short because at the end I’m going to add a video that’s going to end up mentioning what some of my business and blogging goals are going to be in the coming year. I figure why duplicate the process; this is my final week of “sort of” relaxation before I go into full blown monster mode… and I have 2 books to read before the end of the week.
Continue reading The Year End Blog Post; So Glad This Year Is Over! →
By now, many of you know I have this thing about guest posts and the people who request to leave one on my blogs. Even though I’ve had some on this blog (I think 14) over the course of 9 years (my anniversary was on the 12th; yay me!) and I accepted them for a while on my finance blog, overall I’m not a great fan of them across the board.
Why? Well, instead of just talking about it I think I’ll turn this into a list post of why I probably won’t share guest posts and, well, what might get me to share one somewhere on social media or even to link one to a blog property I own. I think that’s fair; let’s have a conversation about it.
Continue reading 5 Reasons Why I Probably Won’t Share A Guest Post From Your Blog →
With all the traffic most of us hope to get coming to our blogs, it makes the act of making sure you’re doing blog maintenance all that more important. Truth be told, most of us get things moving along the way we want it to and almost always seem to miss something. As time goes along, we add and remove things that also ends up affecting how our blogs work.
Christoph Scholz via Compfight
With that said, I’m going to talk about 6 areas that we need to check our blogs for to make sure they’re maintained well. Some of these are going to be things you probably know but need to decide if it’s what you really want to do, whereas others you might not have thought about. Let’s see if I can do this without turning it into another tome. 🙂
Continue reading 6 Blog Maintenance Areas You Need To Check →
This is something a little bit different, so it deserves a bit of explanation.
look closely at the picture
Last week my buddy Holly Jahangiri shared a link on Twitter going to an article titled 6 Ways to Get Creative with Writing Your Blog Content. One of the writer’s recommendations was to Spend a Few Moments Coloring, which I thought was a ridiculous idea. Holly issued a challenge where she’s going to write about doing it as a positive thing whereas I’m going to write about it as being… well, hogwash! 🙂
Continue reading Coloring As A Concept For Inspired Blogging? →
Blogging, Social Media, Writing, Motivation and General Stuff