World Diabetes Day 2009

Today is World Diabetes Day, the day when diabetics and those who treat them hope to spread the word as to just how bad this thing is. It’s the fastest growing disease in the world, and it’s not just because people are eating badly, eating too much sugar, or overweight. Well, a part of it might be eating badly, but those aren’t the only reasons.

Since last year’s post on World Diabetes Day, when I told my story of how I learned I was diabetic, I have written a number of posts highlighting some of the issues diabetics have to deal with. Truthfully, when it comes to eating plans, it’s not about being diabetic so much as it is about starting to watch what you’re eating most of the time, and controlling your diet so you’ll feel healthier all around. In the three weeks since I went on my new eating plan, my glucose is way under control, with medication of course, and I’ve lost 5 pounds. Yeah, I’ve done some exercise, but not as much as you’d think I should be doing.

I wrote two other articles dealing with diabetes, although one of them might have applied to others who hadn’t thought much about it. That one was about sugar alcohols, and how many people have a resistance to them, and thus explains why they have problems eating many foods that say they’re sugar free. The other one was telling you about my worst day of the year as a diabetic, when it seemed like my world was ready to crash. Okay, that’s pretty dramatic, but suffice it to say it was a scary day.

So, what would I wish for on this day? The reality is that there are a lot of people walking around with diabetic symptoms who haven’t gone to get tested. Often, if you’re not paying attention to the signs, by the time you do get yourself checked out you might end up in the hospital for a few days. I have known way too many people who say they weren’t feeling well, or were having problems with their vision for weeks on end, then finally went to see a doctor, only to discover they glucose was in the 400’s or 500’s. One person I knew had his glucose at 679; it’s a wonder he was still walking around.

The higher numbers will get you admitted quickly, because at those levels you’re a walking time bomb. It could take a lot of work to get their glucose levels down to at least close to normal, where you can put someone on regular medication and start talking about changing one’s diet. I know there’s a lot of you reading this blog who aren’t feeling great, or might be a little bit overweight, or possibly even more. We, as I have to include myself in this one, are predisposed towards diabetes. It also ran in my family, which means I should have known better.

The wish, therefore, is to go get your blood tested for this. It’s a simple test, and most cities or communities every once in awhile have a blood glucose drive, where they’ll test it for you. It’s free, easy, and it’s better to know early than late. If you don’t have such a thing, go to your doctor and ask for the test. It’s inexpensive and fast, and at least you’ll know and can do something about it.

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6 thoughts on “World Diabetes Day 2009”

    1. Goodness Sire, I had to go through 13 Australian websites about diabetes before I could find one that gave me the information you were talking about. For everyone else, here’s a link: It seems that only in the United States are we still talking mg’s for glucose levels; we’re certainly a stubborn country.

      Of course, like your temperature, your system is easier, but one wouldn’t be sure just how accurate it is. For instance, if your moderate level is 6 or 7, are you closer to the 6 or the 7, which could determine just where you are. Whereas, with our system, if I’m supposed to be at 120 and I’m at 163, I know I’m way beyond where I’m supposed to be, but if I’m at 125 then I’m actually doing pretty well, all things considered.

      Freaky stuff, though.

    1. No problem; one of these days I’ll figure out which one is the bad one, how to get to the other, and fix it.

  1. Hi Mitch it’s my day, bring on some ice cream and cakes. Lols!
    I didn’t know that we have a day for people with diabetic like me. Best regard Mitch!

    1. Jhong, we have a day and we have a month as well. As fast as the problem is growing, we need both.

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