What’s Up With Broken Link Checker?

Okay, what’s up with the plugin broken link checker?

First, the updates. Over the last couple of weeks, there have been 6 updates to the program. I remember when I complained about all the WordPress updates back in August, and those things finally slowed down, and maybe it’ll happen with broken link checker also. I’m not sure, but one can hope.

Then, if you remember, I mentioned in September that I was having all sorts of problems with my dashboard and some other issues with the blog, and it turned out that broken link checker and some other plugins were messing things up. So I discontinued it and the others, deleted all the rest of them, but kept broken link checker so I could, every once in awhile, check my links to see if something suddenly wasn’t working well.

Now here’s issue #3. Seems that, at least on this blog, broken link checker isn’t working properly. A week ago I activated it, with the express purpose of checking for broken links. It told me I had 63 broken links. However, when I looked at some of the pages where it said I had issues, I started seeing pages that I had already corrected before. There wasn’t anything wrong with many of the links. And a few others where there might have been a problem with a link, I corrected it, only to have the program continuing to tell me that the links were still broken.

That’s just not going to get it done. As I’ve read through some of the fixes for the program, I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I’m disappointed that none of the updates seem to address any of the issues I’ve been having with it. I can’t be the only one who’s having this problem, can I?

Luckily, on my other two blogs, the plugin is telling me that there are no broken links on those pages. Is that true, or is it that the program isn’t telling me the truth? How odd that I touted this program so much previously, and now I’m not really sure whether I trust it or not. Such is life; how’s the plugin working for everyone else?

3 Labs in Creel Cookie Jar

Price – $40.00

12 thoughts on “What’s Up With Broken Link Checker?”

    1. See, that’s the problem I have. I deactivated the plugin that’s for threaded comments because it’s supposed to be built into the new WordPress software. That eliminated the second subscribe button, but for whatever reason the software isn’t showing the reply thing to specific people anymore. I just can’t win!

      1. It might be; I’m not sure. It’s back because I put the plugin back, but I went into the plugin and told it not to add the checkbox, which is why it’s not there. I only hope you get notified that I’ve responded to this, and if you do, then it’s doing what it’s supposed to do.

      2. Yep, it’s working fine, and now I feel like I’m repeating myself as I’ve said the same thing on my blog. 😀

  1. I tried it 3-4 months ago because I thought it sounded like a nice plugin. I never really got it to work properly so I deactivated it and forgot about it.

    Then recently I switched to VPS hosting so I could have full control over the ressources my site is using and having “broken link checker” activated would mess up the whole thing – ressource wise. It would just EAT UP everything!

    Once I deactivated it, my VPS container would once again go back to running smooth.

    That’s enough reason for me to not use that plugin again.
    .-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..November 2009: Blog Summary & Income Report =-.

    1. Actually Klaus, I noticed that my site jammed up when using it also. I enjoyed it initially, because no one wants a lot of bad links on their site, but I’m thinking it might be time to let it go for good.

    1. I may go that route, Dennis, as the plugin, to me, is way too much work. Well, at least for this blog it is.

  2. Hi Mitch,

    Yes I’ve been having these problems too like telling me broken links when they look fine upon checking. I’m still keeping this plugin though. It’s still accurate perhaps 50 pct so I can leave with that. Yeah it’s online crying wolf here. Wonder when it will grow up:-)
    .-= Internet Home Business´s last blog ..Blog Income & Stats – November 2009 =-.

    1. Hi Peter,

      I leave the plugin off all the time anyway because it was messing with the rest of my blog, so I’m only turning it on when I have time to check out the links. But it’s buggy, so I might just stop worrying about it.

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