There are three things I feel compelled to talk about, none of which has anything to do with internet marketing, but one does have something to do with social media, so I’ll start with that one.
A few days ago, a federal judge decided that high school students should have the right to blast their teachers on Facebook or anywhere else because of the 1st amendment right to free speech. I was astonished when I read this, and it seems there’s a lot of folks, including the American Civil Liberties Union, who believe this is proper.
Sorry folks, but I’m not one of them. We had a local incident just like this, and the student who created the page was suspended and every student who signed up for it got detention. I agreed with suspending the student, but not for punishing everyone else who signed up, especially since some kids never said a word.
Here’s the thing. What this moron basically did was give license to anyone to find someone they don’t like, create a Facebook group in their name calling them whatever they want to do, then invite other people to come in and join the ugliness. And that person has no recourse whatsoever because of this bad interpretation of the 1st amendment. By the way, the first amendment doesn’t say everyone gets to say whatever they want whenever they want, which is why we can’t go around screaming “fire” in a crowded theater and many other things.
I wonder who he and the ACLU are going to feel when the first person either gets killed or commits suicide because of this ruling. And allowing kids to do that against their teachers is absurd; imagine the repercussions of this type of thing later on. If I’m the teacher, I’m failing this kid. And what happens when one kid starts doing this to another kid?
I can tell you this; if I knew someone was doing something like this to me, I’m going after them in more ways than you can imagine, and the last way will definitely be physical. No one has the right to slam an individual without expecting consequences, and whatever they are, outside of taking out anyone else who’s around, isn’t off limits. If you’re in the public eye, or a company, that’s different. Allowing students to publicly slam teachers… I see trouble brewing.
The next thing on my mind is news this week that the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, NY, this week produced a substance that was 250,000 times hotter than the sun. This is another group that’s trying to create things that should remain in space and far away from Earth, in this case mini-stars instead of a black hole. Now, maybe I’m just an alarmist, but I’m thinking having substances on the Earth, even if they don’t last long, that are hotter than the sun is a bad thing. I don’t care how far underground it is, that can’t be a good thing. For my own comfort, Long Island isn’t far enough away from me for them to be doing that kind of testing anyway. Does anyone else think this is a bad idea?
Finally, there’s a guy named George Church who is the top guy when it comes to mapping out genomes. He has actually gotten to the point where he believes we can and should create a neanderthal so that we can see if it might offer resistances to diseases and the like to humans of today. By the way, that link downloads an MP3 file of his interview talking about it. He also believes we should recreate things like dinosaurs and mammoths and the like so we can study them better.
Once again, I’m reminded of the Jeff Goldblum line in Jurassic Park: “Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” When this movie came out I thought about how cool it might be to recreate dinosaurs, but it’s now 17 years later, I’m no longer an idyllic 33 year old, and I’m thinking this is a bad idea as well. We have no idea what kinds of diseases these things had or just how lethal or smart they actually might have been, and reintroducing these things into our lives now is a horrible idea. The idea that we can create life that doesn’t exist anymore is scary to me; I can see how this one could get out of hand.
Oddly enough, I’m not against cloning, which one might think is the same thing. The thing about cloning is that it’s not like what people think it is. A clone of any animal is still a distinct and individual life form that will live a totally different existence and life than its predecessor, and we already know what the predecessor was and how we interacted with it.
Anyway, those are thoughts I’ve had today that I just finally had to write about. I know, my mind is in a weird place sometimes. Comments?
If the teacher decided to create a Facebook page ridiculing the student would it be acceptable under freedom of speech.
I’m not a fan of science or scientists when it involves delving into things that seem dangerous to me. If scientists had a history of being right about things I’d feel differently but in my opinion they don’t.
I wondered the same thing, Glen; the parents would be pitching a fit. And I agree with your thoughts on scientists also. Curiosity has killed more than cats.
I can’t see how the ruling about the slanderous Facebook pate is going to withstand further challenges. I guess the only thing left to anyone on the wrong end of such a thing will have to sue them….if they can find out who the are.
Yeah, I know scientists would love to create the power of the Sun here on Earth but I don’t think our technology is close enough to do so. That’s what space would be good for but we don’t have the money or wherewithal to do that sadly.
Cloning is something that will be controversial. Creating dinos from ancient DNA…intriguing. I would like to see if that can be done.
.-= Scott Thomas´s last blog ..Power of Three =-.
On Facebook, a person would always know who started the group. Yeah, it’ll either be a lawsuit or a death; I don’t look forward to either one.
Scientists are scaring me with the things they can do. I hope they can’t create a sun, but just knowing what they can do now is pretty scary on its own. Still, I guess it’s also best we know what they’re doing instead of them doing something then later telling the world “oops.”
I agree about the Facebook thing.
It’d be horribly unfair to the teacher since the things written about her will probably stay in cyberspace for a very long time. Messing with someone’s livelihood is not cool.
And since kids in school can’t possibly understand this (not their fault), it’s up to the grown-ups to tell them. So that judge is ridiculous.
Btw, if you’re looking for more things to scare you besides scientists, read this 🙂
.-= lazygirl´s last blog ..Just the smell of coffee is enough… =-.
I’ve actually seen things similar to this, LG, but at least that’s coming from somewhere else and not us killing ourselves stupidly.
Just goes to show how some judges are stupid hacks. We had a case here where this guy shot a man, not killing him but causing him to lose the sight of one eye, and the judge let him off with a hundred dollar fine! Luckily there was an appeal and it got overturned and he is now in jail.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..Where Bloggers Meet, A Forum For Bloggers =-.
What?!?!? What were the circumstances that led the judge to make such a stupid ruling in the first place?
I don’t remember the details Mitch, but the fact that he came from a rich family may have had something to do with it.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..Where Bloggers Meet, A Forum For Bloggers =-.
Umm hello, doesn’t this kinda fly in the face of the new cyber bully laws??
Idiot Judge for sure.
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..WANTED – Keyword Research Expert(s) =-.
That was my thought when I wanted to originally write this post, then the other two things just kind of came in at the same time.