I recently got my hands on a copy of Six Figure Blogger Blueprint by David Risley. I read it, as it’s only around 45 pages or so, and decided to give a review of it in my own fair and unbiased way; y’all know me.
First, I want to get the full disclosure stuff out of the way. I had never heard of David Risley until our friend Sire wrote a post on why he wouldn’t be linking to probloggers anymore. David stopped by and offered some opinions that got folks riled up and pretty much helped catapult Sire under 100,000 as far as Alexa rankings go (and I’m betting Sire didn’t send him a gift or anything for it). That post prompted an interesting response back from David, which, based on comments I read, led me to write this about knowing one’s audience, and then led to Sire writing this post on commenting, which then led to a video post by a guy named Allan (who’s removed the video and the article; I wonder what that’s about), and eventually led our buddy Rose to write this. He is also one of the experts interviewed for the book Beyond Blogging. If you go through all of that, you’ll know that most of what was going on wasn’t all that positive, but at least it’s now been disclosed.
Back to the review. I have to say this; I liked it. I’d be lying if I said there was anything that was Earth shattering in the report, but the truth is I’ve been writing blogs for about five years, so I should know most of what it is that was in his report. There are obviously one or two things I disagree with, but they’re more about personal choice disagreements rather than whether he’s right or wrong. For instance, he talks about the need to have a mailing list. I haven’t talked all that much on this blog about mailing lists, but for me, I only have a mailing list for my newsletters and not for my blogs. My general thought is that if I don’t have anything different to send somebody then why have a mailing list. But this is also something that I tried to have a conversation with Lynn Terry about, and we really didn’t get anywhere on this topic either. My thinking might be a little convoluted, but I can’t figure out why so I’m pretty much going to keep thinking like that.
I think the blueprint is actually laid out very well. He talks about his beginnings into internet marketing and what lead to him eventually get into blogging. He talks about niche blogging, which a lot of people have talked about in the past, and he gives a pretty nice guideline for how that should go. As a matter of fact, while I was reading it I was reminded of something that I think is probably a major failing of my finance blog, that being that just having a niche blog isn’t enough. You have to remember to solve issues that people have at the same time as giving them opinions and thoughts on other things. I have to say that being reminded of that one nugget was probably enough for me to say that I like this thing.
He also does talk about how to market oneself and how to monetize a blog. Like I said, for me a lot of it is pretty old hat stuff, but there are some new things in there that I might have to think about. Near the end he also gives you a way to plan your blog following a step-by-step process. Now, most people probably didn’t do this when they created a blog, and it might be a bit rigid for a lot of people, but at least it’s there and it’s something you can try if you decide to start another blog that’s specific toward trying to make money.
So, if you’re still relatively new to blogging, and my little blogging tips aren’t enough for you, I think you could do yourself some good by going to get this. It doesn’t cost you anything, so you can’t use that as a gripe. And even if you’ve been blogging for a while, you might find a nugget or two here and there that might make you think about something you can use for yourself. It only took me 20 minutes to read this blueprint; then again, y’all know I can speed read. 🙂 Go for it I say; what can you lose?
Well, well, what can I say Mitch but thanks once again for including me in one of your posts. It’s good to see that you’ve reviewed this eBook and before you chastise me about reviewing yours, you know how I can’t speed read and all, but don’t worry mate I will get down to it one of these days.
I’ve also read David’s ebook and actually commented on his blog how I thought that although it was very well written I didn’t learn anything that blew me out of the water, so to speak. Still, it has a lot to offer for a new blogger and seeing as how it’s free and all I highly recommend it to them.
It’s amazing though that two people that read the same book get different things from it. I didn’t pick up on the solving issues thing. That certainly is something to think about.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..The Difference Between Flexibility And FlexSqueeze =-.
Hey Sire,
We all pick up different things, otherwise we’d all be the same; that would be boring unless everyone was like me! lol
I also think that sometimes the audiences are what makes the item good or bad. For instance, I could write a manual on medical billing and almost no one who visits this blog would even consider it. But about 35% of the visitors to my business blog might find it something they had to check out. That’s just how it goes, and that’s fine as well.
I also read the ebook by David Risley and it sparked two posts by me.
One reviewing the ebook contents which I found very informative and one about making money from blogging.
I like David’s blog and his ideas.
And I also like Sage and his ideas.
Both of them make me think..
I also like your blog which was one of the featured ones on a post by Jordan Cooper today (Not a Pro Blog).
I also linked to you in my post today but I do that fairly often anyways,ha,ha..
Good review. Thanks..
Thanks Glen. Course now I have to go to your blog to find out who Sage is; got me on that one. I saw the Jordan Cooper post; my comment on that will be coming up on Sunday. I think Risley’s ebook will be good for a lot of people.
He really needs to change his online name.
It’s just to close to Sage which is my RSS reader name..
.-= Glen´s last blog ..What it Feels Like Posting Video of Yourself-Part Two =-.
Well, I’m betting he’s been called Sire longer than your Sage program has been around, so he’s probably thinking the reverse. lol
Yeah you tell em Mitch 😀
.-= Sire´s last blog ..If Women Controlled The Earth =-.
Hey Mitch,
Thanks for reading and reviewing the ebook. 🙂
BTW, on the mailing list, it is very important and certainly not redundant. This business is about relationship. You and Sire both do that well in comments, but it stops there and MOST people who come to any blog never come back. So, the email list’s MAIN goal is that you have a way of reaching out and bringing people back once they’ve raised their hand in interest. What you do with the list is up to you, but I obviously have thoughts on that, too.
Both you and Sire really load up your blogs with ads and widgets and things in a desperate attempt to gain a click from a visitor. My point is that, with an email list, you won’t have to try so hard. Monetization is much easier, more efficient, and less about interruption of the user experience on your blog.
.-= David Risley´s last blog ..Life As A Pro Blogger [VIDEO] =-.
Hi David,
Glad you liked the review. I wouldn’t say Sire and I are necessarily desperate for clicks. I think it’s more than we make our money in other ways, and though it would be great to make more money blogging, it’s not the primary focus for us.
But since you brought it up, are you saying that if someone hadn’t been to your blog in a month you’d send them a reminder email, or what? I guess that’s part of my question with a list; what the heck am I sending, and when? I have created a couple of products, but none geared towards the types of visitors who come here. Therefore, I wouldn’t have anything to advertise. And I figure I write often enough so that those folks who have subscribed to the list certainly know there’s always new content coming from my direction.
In any case, I probably still wouldn’t be going in that direction unless I was going to send those folks totally new content that they couldn’t get anywhere else, including the blog, almost like my business newsletter. I know JC sends out a week’s listing of the posts on his blog if one subscribes, but my mind says that everyone who subscribes to the feed already knows what the week’s worth of postings were. Redundancy has never been my strong suit. 🙂
Hey David, it isn’t hard placing links on the blog, and it’s not like we’re pushing people to click on them at all. Also I don’t think that those ads interrupt the visitors at all. If anything I’m sure our regulars have learned to ignore them.
If anyone is trying to push a product it would have to be you. I noticed on your blog you have four ads promoting your products, above and below, just in case they missed it on the first round, which is good but you have to remember I don’t have my own product and so I place ads for other affiliates.
The way I look at it I have all this real estate on my blog that is wasted and so I may as well place some ads there. It may also have something to do with my retail background where we were taught to make use of every space possible to push impulse lines etc.
I also notice you promote Kontera and OIO Publisher, which seems strange considering you don’t seem to use it.
You know my sentiments on email lists, I have no use for them. I don’t want to bother people, probably learned from my days as a salesman, I figure if I have something to sell I’ll do a post about it.
I’m against these opt in crap that marketers use to get someones email. I think just because someone opted in because they wanted a free eBook it doesn’t mean that they want to be bombarded with offers of ways to make money and the rest of it.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..If Women Controlled The Earth =-.
Almost all of this I agree with you on, Sire. However, I will say that if someone opts to get something for free on the internet, they should know that it opens them up to getting other stuff. We all make those decisions as to whether we think something might be valuable enough to us to risk accepting something for free. Actually, I think that’s quite fair in lieu of the fact that there are probably folks who’d pay money for these things and the creators are giving them away. I’m quite perspicacious when mulling over what I will or won’t sign up for.
Actually Mitch, I don’t do this often but I have to disagree on that point. Yes a lot of us do know what’s going to happen once we sign up for this stuff, but the Internet being what it is I’m sure there are a whole lot of newbies who do not know what they are getting in for.
Why do you think they don’t have a disclosure that says, By subscribing who are opening up Pandora’s box giving me the right to flood your email inbox with a whole lot oh junk. 😉
.-= Sire´s last blog ..If Women Controlled The Earth =-.
You’re right on the newbie part, Sire, but to me, that’s a “buyer beware” thing that they’ll learn pretty quickly. I mean, I’ve been on the internet 15 years now, and I’m an old guy (well, you’re older lol). Anyone who’s still a newbie online at this juncture who’s not a kid and doesn’t have the savvy to understand what they’re getting into when they go to get something free needs to learn those lessons. Kind of like businesses that still know nothing about viruses and malware and don’t put antivirus or firewall programs on their computers; they get what they deserve and hopefully will learn some lessons fairly quickly. At least getting lots of email ads because you signed up for something is fairly safe, even if burdensome.
That’ll teach them that they need to keep reading our blogs, since we tell them often what they might be in for. 😀
Yeah, maybe I have to write something about that. Thanks for the idea Mitch. Now which blog to put it on, my BS blog or Wassup? 😀
.-= Sire´s last blog ..The Honest Truth About The SFI Affiliate =-.
You know where you’ll get the most readers lol
Yep, so I may actually do it on both, cause I still think the whole thing is BS.
.-= Sire´s last blog ..If Women Controlled The Earth =-.
I think it’s very impolite to state the following: “Both you and Sire really load up your blogs with ads and widgets and things in a desperate attempt to gain a click from a visitor.” If you are making an attempt to teach, then you can do so without insulting a fellow blogger. That leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth and will not make me look twice at any of your products.
I think you are right to be concerned about redundancy, but I believe David was trying to say is that the autoresponder list will help with segmenting interested parties.
The automation gives you the opportunity to establish a relationship with a new person systematically. Do it once and it’s done. It’s like shaking hands with a new person, and saying, “Hi, I’m Bob and this is why you should get to know me.”
You tell the person, why they should listen to you about Social Media, Leadership, or Website Marketing. You get a chance to tell a story vs. a cold approach. Unfortunately, many just bombard with one offer after another. So, the strategy varies a lot. I don’t know that’s just how I see it. May you guys might have some other angles for my consideration.
Hi Monique,
You know, I’m someone who doesn’t like being contacted automatically for no reason. For instance, if I leave a comment on someone’s blog, I hope they respond, but if they don’t most of the time that’s okay. But getting an automated response just saying “thanks for your comment” adds another email that I have to delete that didn’t offer me anything valuable, if you know what I mean. If I subscribe to something that’s different because I like knowing my subscription was received, but in general, I don’t want to be bothered. And I’ll admit that if something bothers me, then I try never to do it to someone else.
Now, if I had a free product to offer to someone, then it might be a different story; I’m not sure, though, since I only offer my free product to people who subscribe to my newsletters.
Well,The “Blueprint Guide to Blogger” is a total of 27 pages with illustrations to each and every step so you won’t get lost along the way!
.-= automobile magazine´s last blog ..Automobile India =-.
I agree with Monique completely on her comment to DavidRisley and have to say that comments like these about other bloggers can only harm his reputation.
There are many ways to blog, and no one way is right, they are different and unique and totally the bloggers business. And, David, who proclaims himself to be an expert should really understand this.
There is a distinctive difference between wanting to be famous in a flagship as opposed to other types of blogging, again no one model is best or right, it’s an individual choice and the bloggers business, and that is why people love blogging, because it is so personal.
And, after perusing David’s blog I noticed on his about page that he states his income from the past several years and even breaks it down to daily income, I for one would not post this info, but again, its his business.
The statement “desperate attempt to get a click” is amusing, as I personally think those lists, which, save for a very few exceptions, often yield tons of desperate email garbage full of the latest and greatest in IM and MMO, which to me is much more direct desperation than some indirect ads that a user has the choice to click on or not.
You are much more mature than I would be in giving him a plug for his book. Keep on doing your thing!!
Shoot Mitch, I did not realize you had Comment Luv, I will add you to my list right now.
.-= JR @ Internet Marketing ´s last blog ..List of 132 Comment Luv Blogs by Niche =-.
Thanks JR. I’m one of the early adopters of CommentLuv.
As for the rest, I like to think that I’m always fair, even if I might have reason not to be. As a manager, one needs to learn how to separate work stuff from personal stuff. I think David’s heart was in the right place even if his words might not have come across as he’d hoped they would. He’s very passionate about the need for people who want to make money online to have a list, and I’m not passionate about the subject either way because I know I’m not going to do it unless I have something specific I want to share with people, and I’m certainly not hooking it up to an autoresponder to bombard people weekly with it without giving some real substance they wouldn’t get anywhere else.
It’s appalling to read those remarks from a known blogger like him. What was he thinking? Did he even think that he could offend people? It’s very disrespectful of him. Whatever these guys wanted to do with their blogs, it’s not his (David’s) business anymore. Shameless.
.-= Mathdelane´s last blog ..Do Webmasters Need A Website Monitoring Service? =-.
That’s okay Mathdelane; don’t dwell on it, because I’m certainly not.
I also downloaded the ebook and read it, I haven’t been at this for as long as you but I have a couple of years under my belt, and I disagreed with some of it, but I also learned a few things.
I am still on the fence on the whole email list thing, but if it works to market your products (whether free or not), then I am not against trying it.
I recently setup am email just to go out and “opt-in” to a bunch of these lists so I can research how others are utilizing it.
One more point/question, what is wrong with being aggressive to sell your products? Would you open a brick and mortar store without and advertising/marketing strategy? As long as you are doing it in an honest way and can sleep at night, I don’t see anything wrong with it.
.-= Keith´s last blog ..Does Your Blog Stand Out? =-.
Hi Keith,
My thought on aggression is that you do what makes you comfortable in your own life. For instance, I’m one who hates being aggressively marketed to, and I push back hard. Therefore, I won’t do it to anyone else. Some people like that, though, so those people would be your market. But when one reviews studies, hard marketing only converts at best 2% of the time; that’s a lot of work for very little return if you don’t have a big ticket product to hawk that earns a lot of money per purchase.