September 11, 2011; Ten Years Later

Today is the 10th anniversary of the most vicious act of terrorism ever on American soil. Four airplanes caused a lot of people to lose their lives; three of those airplanes caused mass destruction as well. And the world hasn’t been the same since.

A couple of days ago a friend of mine asked me why we couldn’t just move on, not necessarily forget but ease on the pain and move on. I said that this is a country that honors those who were killed mercilessly, who were caught up in the madness of someone else. That’s why there’s tributes for Oklahoma City; that’s why there’s tributes for the Lockerbie airplane bombing; that’s why there’s tributes to Pearl Harbor. And that’s why there’s tributes to those killed on 9/11/01. The pain may ease, should ease, but we’ll never forget; just not in our nature.

The video you’re about to watch, if you do, are my thoughts on what happened that day and what’s happened to the world since that day. It’s a much different place than it was 10 years ago. And I also honor and give tribute to some people, and have always been thankful, though it might be selfish, that I didn’t know anyone who lost their life on that day.

You might be surprised by one thing I say in the video after you see the links, if you visit any of these links that I post. First the video, then the links, from this blog and my business blog.

Are We Ready For The 9/11 Anniversary?

September 11, 2007 ā€“ Six Years Later

8:46AM ā€“ 9/11/01

September 11, 2001 ā€“ Iā€™m Still Mad

9/11/01 9 Years Later; Never Forget

20 thoughts on “September 11, 2011; Ten Years Later”

  1. Great video Mitch and I read all the posts.

    Just one clarification. Mullah Omar is in cahoots with the ISI of Pakistan and the US government knows this very well. The Pakistanis know exactly where the Mullah is but will not let the US have information as he is a trump card for what they consider the future of Af/Pak equations.

    1. Rummuser, I think I wrote on one of your blogs that I think you were right about Pakistan all along. Thing is, over here we really don’t know much about them; can’t say I’ve ever knowingly met anyone from Pakistan. But there were always suspicions, and this thing with Bin Laden proved it to me. It seems big ticket political intrigue between countries is a lot different that personal relationships because if it were me, I’d have pulled out of Pakistan and never talked to them again, but that’s a personal view instead of an international view. So yes, we know Omar is in Pakistan, and we don’t like it one bit. But he’ll get got; they all do eventually.

  2. Incidentally, India has not stopped getting acts of terrorism on its soil since 9/11. In fact we had a bit one with 11 killed and over 200 injured just three days ago in Delhi.

  3. I remember sitting in my office arguing with my fiance on ten years ago. I had my small television on without the volume and suddenly I was confused about what I was seeing on the screen. I believe that I knew it was the World Trade Center but nothing was registering. Then, like you, I suddenly saw the second plane hitting the tower and realized that I was witnessing a major disaster. I sat there in disbelief and horror as it dawned on me what I was watching.

    Nothing else was important to me in that moment. I sat fixated on the TV screen trying to understand what had happened. Even though I feel fortunate that I did not lose anyone on this day, and that that we all were touched by this tragedy in one way or another. On this 10-year anniversary, I pray for all those who lost their loved ones and wish peace for them as they move forward.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story Rachel. I think lots of people are sharing their stories today, and I appreciate reading all of them. I’ve yet to turn the TV on, but I’ve been reading stories half of the day.

  4. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Mitch!

    I remember getting ready for work when I got a call from my wife to turn on the TV. Within minutes of me turning on the TV, the second plane hit. That entire day, everyone seemed to be in shock.

    Though time has eased the pain, the memory, and the effects, of 911 can still be felt. Those who travel, especially by plane, feel the effects every day. Our lives have been changed in countless other ways, though most are barely even perceptible day to day.

    Today, we honor and remember the lives that were lost as well as those who braved the dangers in trying to help others.

    Thanks again for sharing!

    1. Thank you for sharing your tale as well Grady. I was in shock for weeks, probably months, until I was ready to proceed with life as I knew it back then. What a horrible thing to see, let alone go through.

  5. I remember the day like it was yesterday, I was working up late in my grandpas house which at that time I was using as my office. It was something like 7PM, he came and said, something going on, come take a look on TV. I told him, that it doesn’t matter, he insisted saying it is very serious, there is still not much information. I’ve watched the video and I agree that to some extends war against terrorism is successful. It is a fact that Afghanistan terrain is hostile and mountains are a bit tough, will all due respect for US and NATO troops, I am sure that location of Mullah Omar is known, but I doubt that even if he is killed this will be the end of the war.

    1. Carl, I don’t think this thing will ever end and I blame part of it on my belief that Karzai is somewhat corrupt and Afghanistan’s main crop happens to be an illegal drug. I think NATO forces have been there way too long without a real plan and without any honest people to step up to the plate. That might not be fair but that’s how I see it. A horrible day has led to some horrible policies,and it’s going to end feeling like Vietnam. And that’s horrible as well.

  6. Feel the effects every day. Our lives have been changed in countless other ways, though most are barely even perceptible day to day.. Thanks for sharing!. šŸ˜›

  7. I remember that day so well too Mitch.

    My boss kept his little TV on to watch the news and he had it on low when they broke in with the news. He yelled for me to come into his office and we both just stood there in horror as we watched the second plane hit the other tower. To say the least, we never left that TV for the next several hours. Then they closed our building down and sent all of us home because our building officed a government agency several floors above us and the government was taking all precautions.

    I can understand what you said about not hurting as bad this year on the anniversary of your Dad’s death. Mine hit eight years this year and it didn’t hurt as much as in the past. Time does help but we never forget. Never! It just doesn’t hurt as bad.

    Thanks for sharing this Mitch and enjoyed watching you on video.

    1. Thanks Adrienne. As many people said yesterday, one of those events that will stay in our minds forever, even if the impact starts to ease.

  8. Hi Mitch. Thanks for sharing this. It really doesn’t feel like already ten years past since then. It’s still feel like yesterday. And the scar left in many people’s heart, memories are going to last forever I guess. It was one of the most horrible tragedy ever happened.

  9. I will never forget that day!

    I was here in the States for visit at that time and was supposed to fly back home to Germany that day. I was used to the threats during the Cold War but always felt safe in the States. That safe feeling died that day.
    I was able to leave the country more than a week later. Going through the security was – with all due respect – a nightmare. By the time I made it home, have of my stuff was broken.
    But regardless what I went through, I could feel the pain and sorrow everybody else had to go through. I can still feel it as it was yesterday.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for sharing your story, Anja. I can only imagine having to wonder when I was going to be able to go back to my own country, let alone getting home at all. That had to be scary. Truthfully, I have to admit that I was never scared; I was angry. I wanted to hurt someone; I’m just glad I listened to that voice in the back of my head telling me it was a bad move.

      1. Hi Mitch,
        You are right, not knowing when or if I could go back home was a really strange feeling. At the same time, I didn’t feel safer being back home. I was just closer to my family and – I guess mentally drained – awaiting for another attack on European soil.

  10. Glad to see you on video Mitch! Do more of them.

    Anyways, I was 14 years old when 9/11 happened. I remember I was watching TV and switched to this french TV station and I’ve saw one of the buildings from WTS on fire, so I thought to myself “hey what movie is this? Looks pretty damn real”. Minutes later I realized it was real and I switched to CNN and I remember I was translating to my family what the reporters were saying, although all the TV stations from my country eventually start transmitting the tragedy I still watched CNN.

    So here I was, thousands of miles away, translating and crying my heart out when I saw the first people jumping, nobody seems to remember the people jumping…

    1. How freaky Cristian, you were translating as it was happening. I don’t think my mind would have worked that way on that horrible day. Actually, my mind thought it looked fake at first; that’s how much movies will fool your eyes.

      1. Well believe me it was very hard explaining what I was actually hearing and for some reason it was impossible for me to translate the actually impact of the words. Somehow my translation lost that impact. That’s why I’ve suddenly began crying and my folks did not.

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