Mitchell’s Top Ten Recommended Blogs

One could ask “what makes you think anyone cares about what you think are blogs people should read.” The response would be “my blog, my opinion, case closed.” In actuality, I think that it’s a nice thing to recognize people when you enjoy things they do. And people like being mentioned, even if they may miss it. I’m going to say that I doubt everyone I name will notice that their blog has been mentioned here, and that’s okay. It’s just another list post; studies show that people love list posts. And if you’d like, copy the little badge I created and add it to your website, then wait for people to ask you if you’ve lost your mind. 🙂

Actually, August 31st was Blog Day, where bloggers are supposed to name 5 blogs they recommend for others to read. But I had something else on my mind for that day, so I decided to go my own way and do it today.

First, did I have any real criteria for what I was going to look for? Absolutely not! In this list are some friends of mine, some big time names, and some folks whose blogs I just have to make sure I check out as often as I can. I don’t always comment on all of these blogs, but I do from time to time. But I always make sure I read them, and I think that’s what makes them important to me. And two of the blogs on this list were on last year’s Blog Day list as well.

I put them in alphabetical order so I didn’t have to rank them. They are what they are; here we go:

Abundance Blog at Marelisa Online – As you probably know, I really respect Marelisa’s blog, and the interview I did with her should prove that. It’s just a quality blog, very deep, and one of the few blogs that I actually have to slow down to read. This blog was on last year’s Blog Day post.

Beautiful Summer Morning – Nick Grimshawe has a beautiful blog, very calming and motivational, and I actually have to give him credit for introducing me to Josh Groban, who I’d never heard of until Nick posted one of his videos on his blog. Nick also has the distinction of being on my 2008 and 2007 Blog Day list.

Click Newz – It’s been awhile since I’ve talked about Lynn Terry, but I still make sure I read her blog all the time. I ever wrote a post about her and how she makes money, as she’s one of the top internet marketers in the country. Lynn’s blog was also on my 2008 Blog Day list. – How could anyone not list Kristi’s blog as one of their favorites? I always make sure to go through her Fetching Friday blog, as she puts up a lot of blog posts she’s read through the week and is recommending others view. At one point I thought of stealing that idea, but man, that’s a lot of work! So young and so accomplished; great work!

Mostly Bright Ideas – This is actually a very new blog written by Charles Gulotta, and if y’all haven’t visited it by looking at some of his blog titles then you don’t know what you’re missing. He’s very funny and insightful, and his images are funny as well. To think, I convinced him to think about writing a blog, and look what he’s done with it; great job!

Problogger – Okay, a top guru who was also on my 2008 Blog Day list, but who can truthfully deny that Darren Rowse isn’t on his game? I like it best when he’s writing instead of the guest posts, but I sometimes learn from those as well. This is one of those blogs where if you’re looking to learn a lot more about blogging I suggest you go through his archives.

Solo Business Marketing – Shirley George Frazier’s blog on marketing is a great one, so much so that her blog was one of only two that made my 2006 Blog Day list. I must have been mad not to mention her again before today. I learn a lot by reading her blog, and I think it deserves a heck of a lot more attention that it gets.

Twist Image – Mitch Joel recently wrote Six Pixels of Separation, and it was through a conversation he was having with a friend of mine that I discovered his blog. He talks about marketing and communications in the social media age, and something interesting that he has are podcast interviews, which are pretty fascinating. I guess you could call him a guru.

View Infinitum – This is my friend Scott’s blog, and I have to say that he’s found quite the following over the past year. It’s a photography blog, and though I’m not anywhere close to a photographer, I will say that he gives a lot of great information on the craft, and I think I’ve even seen Sire popping in there from time to time.

Wassupblog – Speaking of Sire, his blog took a major jump over the past year, getting an Alexa rank as high as 65,000 at one point and still sitting in a pretty nice place. He covers internet marketing, blogging, and a host of irreverent issues that are funny from that quirky Australian point of view. I think if he were British his blog would probably be an even bigger deal; yeah, I said it! lol His blog was also on my 2009 Blog Day list, and I keep telling him that when I grow up I want my blog to be as big as his. Then again, it means I have to grow up.

There you go, my top ten list of blogs I hope you check out. Congrats winners!

Gomadic Universal Charging Station

25 thoughts on “Mitchell’s Top Ten Recommended Blogs”

  1. Hi Mitch: It’s Blog Day 2010, wow. That year went by fast. Thank you very much for the mention of my blog, two years in a row. 🙂

  2. This is my first time hearing about Blog Day. Wish you had told me sooner.

    Thanks for the introduction to 7 new blogs. Because I trust you, I’ll pay them a visit.

    1. I think you’ll enjoy them, Kissie. And yes, Blog Day is every year on the 31st of August, so now you know.

  3. I always find it interesting how people come up with a “Best of…” “Top This or That” and I always wonder what the underlying motive is. I guess its all a matter of personal and professional taste. I also wonder if I created a top ten list of my favorite blogs in any specific category, would anyone reciprocate and include me on one of their lists.

    1. Bev, of course it’s a matter of personal taste; otherwise, what would be the point? lol However, you see that I have top “whatever” on this blog often. People love “lists” posts, and I love putting together my lists from time to time. For the blogs, as I said I couldn’t do it on Blog Day specifically because I had other issues to take care of first, so this was my way of participating. But I certainly didn’t do it just to show up on someone else’s list as a quid pro quo. If I do eventually start showing up on lists, I hope I’ve earned it.

  4. Hi Mitch,

    Thanks for this post and for your kind words about my blog. Kissie told me to let you know she visited.

    I’ve been busy getting ready to go on a weeks vacation so I’ve had my head down and missed the Blog day exercise. I will do that next week.

    I so appreciate your support along the way. You inspire me to find that greater self within and manifest it. For that I thank you and offer you my gratitude.

    Long my we blog.

    With Love


    1. Nick, you know I’ve loved your blog for years, and I comment when something really hits me. I think your blog deserves a lot more attention, so any help I can give it here and there, I will. 🙂

  5. Mitch,

    It’s wonderful to read about the blogs you list as top recommendations and an honor to be listed.

    I appreciate you bringing these spaces to light and will check out the ones I’ve not yet visited.

    1. Good deal, Shirley, and I think all of us who have our own businesses can learn more about marketing from your blog and website, so I’m happy to give it some publicity.

  6. Thanks, Mitch! I know you read and analyze everything you can get your brain on, so it’s a pleasant surprise to see my blog listed with those others. I think we’ve both made some progress since “The Invisible Man.”

    1. That’s for sure, Charles. And your blog does make me think and I comment on it, and it’s actually a lot of fun, so I hope others visit and like it as well. Course, one of these days we’re going to get you to a self hosted blog, and then you’re really going to be big! 😉

  7. I’ve been blogging for years and have never heard about Aug. 31st being Blog Day! I’ve marked it on my calendar 🙂 Great list of blogs you’ve shared! I enjoy giving kudos to my favorite bloggers all the time. I thunk I’m going to celebrate Blog Day just a bit late 😉

  8. This is good selection of blogs, I am visiting most of those almost every day. Most of those are really useful and always have fresh content.

  9. Thanks for including me in your list! It just popped up in my WordPress dashboard. 🙂 Haven’t heard of a few on here, so I’m going to check them out now!

  10. Reckon it’s taken me way too long to see this post too Mitch, but then like they say better late than never. Mate, it’s nice of you to include me in the list and the fact that you like those ‘irreverent issues’ issues that I cover. Reckon it’s the Aussie wit that let’s me get away with it.

    I don’t see my blog being bigger than yours Mitch, and it’s I that look up to you, except when we’re playing chess that is 😉

    1. When we’re playing chess, I prefer you to be looking behind and wondering “how did I miss that?” lol And glad to include you on this list.

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