Well now, this is a different kind of post. The title kind of says it all, but I figure I should add a little bit of something extra.
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In August of last year I wrote a post about influence and social media. I talked about how I wanted to work on growing my influence and I talked about a few things I was going to try to do to achieve that goal. I talked about how I was going to work through Twitter and Facebook. I’ve gone that route, and I’ve actually had a little bit of success with it. I even talked about this blog and, at that time, my business blog and the number of links I supposedly had between the two. Now that Yahoo Site Explorer is gone I’ll have to check somewhere else to see the numbers again.
I’m also done with Klout, as you know, although using that to measure influence was really ridiculous. There really isn’t a true tool to measure clout that way. But I still want to increase my influence, and thus I’m asking for help while offering help; how’s that sound?
Here’s the deal. I’m putting myself out there to do interviews. You’ve seen examples of how I do interviews on this site and you’ve probably seen me being interviewed on other sites. This post on influence listed a bunch of interviews I’ve done with other people on this blog. This page to interviews are some I’ve done with other people; I think it needs to be updated.
Anyway, part one is putting myself out there to be interviewed. It can be through questions you send me by email (look at my contact page for my email address), or I’ll do your podcast, or even video interview. I’d like to do a lot of them, but any interviews would work nicely. I can speak on a variety of topics, but I’m not going to tell you what they are just yet.
That’s because I have part two. Last December I wrote a post asking how I could be useful to you. I got enough comments on that post and people were very nice, but no one really asked me for help on anything. I’m going a different route here. I need to create some more videos and what I thought I could do was see what people might be interested in asking me so I could answer those questions or address those topics by video. This time, instead of asking people to write their questions on the blog, I’ll ask you to go through the email route to send me your question. I started wondering if folks didn’t want to put questions in comments so everyone else could see them; by going the email route, maybe folks will feel more free in asking questions.
And now the topics. Y’all know I can talk about a bunch of different subjects, so maybe these will fit your qualifications for an interview, or give you an idea of things to ask me questions on that I might be able to answer. This certainly isn’t a comprehensive list, and frankly I know if I actually get questions that there might be some I can’t answer. Let’s see how all of this goes; if nothing else I got another unique blog post out of it. The subjects are:
Leadership/management; racial diversity; customer service; medical billing; health care finance/revenue cycle; SEO; social media; writing; budgeting; blogging; 70’s music (odd one, eh?); and speaking.
That’s what I know I know, but I’ve talked about all sorts of things on this blog over almost 1,200 posts so I know something about other topics as well that one might find intriguing. I’m game to try almost anything; almost, that is. 😎
Consider this a social experiment; at the very least you know you’ll end up with a link back to this blog if you interview me, since I always mention when I’ve been interviewed; let’s see how we can benefit each other. Thanks; enjoy your weekend.
Your friend Kelvin needs a new pair of glasses.
I am game to send you a questionnaire and will post the interview in my blog. My problem is that the topics that you list are of no interest to my readers. Let me think up something that will have some meat into it and revert.
I hope that there is no time limit for this! 🙂
Thanks Rummuser, but you do remember that I have an interview on your site, and it was on diabetes I believe. lol
awesome social experiment. Interviews are really fun to read and often get a lot of traffic back to the interviewees websites. Ill see if I can put together some questions and take you up on an interview as well.
Cool Richard. Hey, life is nothing without taking some chances, right?
I’d love to interview you on blogging and online business Mitch. I have the weekend off so hopefully I can get you the questions soon and you can take it from there on your own leisure. If you’d rather wait until my traffic builds a bit that’s fine too.
I’d also like to steal your “How can I be useful to you” post idea on my blog if you don’t mind. I’ll give credit of course.
Cool Brian, and go ahead and steal, as long as you don’t steal my words as well. lol
Hi Mitchel,
I would love to have you on my blog for an interview. My traffic is good and I believe you will like to hear that from me. I will mail you the bunch of questions as soon as possible. Have a great day ahead 🙂
Thanks Olawale; saw the questions and have already responded.
Hi Mitch
My Internet Marketing blog has been neglected last few months due to my work on other niche sites.
Here is a problem that I dont think I have a handle on yet but am experimenting on a solution. We talk about influence and persuasion etc, but anything you might have to say on empowering your audience to make that purchasing decision through ‘hitting the right buttons’ without being over hypey or misleading would be great.
I’ll publish anything on the blog which attracts a lot of readers when its used which will link back to you.
Pete, I’ll tell you the truth, if I had a handle on that one I’d have already shared it. lol Truth be told I’m a lot of things, but a marketer isn’t one that I’m good at. Truthfully, I think it all comes down to numbers, no matter how good someone’s copy is, but bad copy won’t make any sales. Even the top dogs have to reach hundreds of thousands of people to make sales that can sustain them. Of course, the more influence one has the more they can charge for that information or product, thus reaching those margins a lot sooner.
By the way, I tackled that question on a post back in 2009: http://www.imjustsharing.com/what-would-you-buy/
I will do an interview again with you, Mitch. Probably in the beginning of the new year, a bit different than previous one.
By the way, Yahoo site explorer is not gone, but it is merged with Bing webmaster tools.
Carl, I saw that later on, and I’ll have to check it to see how it’s manifesting itself.
Just a tip on this one, check Bing webmaster tools every couple of days. It seems that sitemaps are not updating properly, so indexing of new pages may be slow. Since I’ve started doing this, my traffic from Bing is growing.
Carl, I saw someone else complain about it on Twitter earlier today also; figures right?
I try to have guests on my Tossing It Out blog nearly every Wednesday and I’d love to include you. I also have a memoir blog Wrote By Rote that anybody could add their memories as well as tips on writing memoir–the majority of posts on that site so far have been guest spots. I will email you with some questions.
Tossing It Out
Enjoy my delightful interview with Susan Kane on
Wrote By Rote Saturday 11/26
Thanks Lee; I’ll make sure to check the second blog out, as I know about the first already.