Today marks the 44th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. It seems that I make this almost an annual thing on both this blog and my business blog, where today I wrote on the topic of 5 Things Dr. King Wouldn’t Be Happy About. Last year on this blog I wrote on what I saw was a different take on things concerning the date and how little things have changed.
I’m slightly modifying that this year. I’m modifying it because of what’s been going on the last couple of weeks, and how it signifies, in some way, just how things have changed.
I’m talking about the Trayvon Martin case in Florida and all that’s happened because of it. Unfortunately there’s still no real resolution of what’s gone on down that way. The guy who killed him is still out of jail, and police chief has temporarily stepped aside, and the police are trying to make out like this kid was the instigator of his own demise; police will be police I’m afraid.
There’s been a major movement in this country over this case, and what’s fascinating about it is that no one has been killed over it. There hasn’t been any riots. Cities across the country have held some kind of rally in support of this kid, even here in Syracuse. It’s talked about almost every night on the news, both national and local.
Back in 1968, Martin’s story wouldn’t have made the news anywhere. No one put anything about black people on the news unless it was something major. Back in 1968, after Dr. King was killed, people went on a rampage all over the country. The police and military went on alert. For days it was scary, even for us little kids. I lived in the suburbs so I was isolated, but from what I hear things were tense in the city, though I’m not sure if there were riots or not; that had happened years earlier.
People are actually talking this time around. The conversation is about racism in general. The conversation is about guns and the rights of gun owners. The conversation is about youth culture and profiling; come on now, hoodies? The conversation is about the difference between protecting oneself and stalking and provoking someone into action so you can feel justified in killing them. The conversation is about how the police sometimes cover things up. The conversation is about a search for truth, justice, and the American way; yes, I had to work a Superman quote in there.
This is how things should happen. We should all be able to talk about things we don’t like, talk about things that scare us, talk about change, talk about difficult topics in the open. True, it’s not happening everywhere. Goodness, I’m surprised to find so many people who, when I mention it, say “Who?” Now there’s a level of oblivion I’ll never understand.
And it’s in this spirit that I write my Black Web Friday series going right now. It offers the chance for people to get to know each other and open a conversation. It offers the chance for all of us to grow together.
The first link above talks about what Dr. King might not be happy about. I think he’d be happy that for once people are talking peacefully; that’s never a bad thing.
I first checked and commented on Mitch’s blog first. Even there are many more studies about positive thinking, I think most people are becoming more and more negative. I am not sure since when or may be it have always been an existing problem, separation still exist. If somebody look crazy probably will become star on MTV, but if you are made by different by nature, well probably this means trouble, talking about skin color and religion. Again as anything else, we just need a bit of common sense to know what is right and accept the differences.
I will get a bit on the side, I am sure you remember the last season of Enterprise and the part related to parallel universe, when Vulcan’s arrive they shot them. Unfortunately I think that we exist in this parallel universe.
I hope not Carl because if that’s true, then my other “me” is having a lot more fun. lol
Haha, well said Mitch. I was reading few other comments few days ago and one of the commenters also suggested this. I think you should install comment rating plugin, definitely would click like on this one.
Carl, no sense in finding another way to potentially depress myself. lol
Such a great article! I really do respect the memory of Mr King, I can remember that we had to learn his speech in the grammar school. “I have a dream..” It’s such an impressive speech!
All his speeches were impressive Julie. I think there’s a slight difference in terminology for us… grammar school?
I’m also against people interested in racism since God created us all the same. It is just the skin and language that differentiates us. We need to leave in Peace with our fellow human beings and thanks to @Mitch for your wonderful write up
I think that you will like to read Harry Stein’s take on this.
Actually Rummuser, I didn’t like reading that at all. This guy’s totally missed the point and all the issues. I hate to say this but I would expect him to miss them as well, and that’s really a shame.
Dr. Martin Luther King, is a man I’ve always admired, he preached change through peaceful means. He also talked about not hating your fellow man, but praying for them. Not too many people can do that, but I wish more people would. All too often people shut others out simply beacuse they think differntly than they do. Imagine if Martin Luther King, and the countless others that were involved did that? The rights we’ve grown accustomed too, might not have happened when they did.
It’s my hope that this tragedy causes people to realize that they need to become active within their communities throughout the year. As I was telling a local Black leader when he was just focusing on this case… I said, “You need to do more.” Just look at the statistics, stay energized and active throughout the year. I’m doing a lot of volunteering/activism on my own, but we need more Black role models, that step up and help out too. 😉
Thanks for your comment Opal. I think that in each community if there are wishes for change that the people who want the change have to participate in the process. That sometimes takes guts, but it definitely takes initiative. But people have to talk; not scream, but talk, and that’s what one sees with this Martin thing… for the most part. And that’s what Dr. King would be proud of.
I wrote about this on my blog and am following much of the dialogue. I feel hopeful that this event will result in an awakening of the people in our country that anyone’s problem is everyone’s problem. The grief of Trayvon’s parents is the grief of all parents and also becomes their fear.
It would be nice Mother. I think it’s good it’s being talked about, but I also don’t think anything is going to change.
Nice article Mitch!
In memory of Dr. King, such an impressive man to be treasured in our history. A man who inspired many people especially from his speech- it can hurdles people’s mind, heart, body & soul as well. I am very proud of him.
I know I’m proud of what he tried to do Chris, that’s for sure.