Charging For Advertising

In my last post I talked about how, suddenly it seems that my word is gold in some fashion, at least for my other two blogs anyway. Well, what’s also now happening is that I’m getting a lot of requests to put some kind of advertising on the main page of my finance blog, Top Finance Blog. This has presented somewhat of a conundrum, so I thought I’d express my thoughts in public here, in case someone wanted to jump in and offer alternative advice. You might have to take a quick look over there to offer advice on this.

First, I’m now hesitant to allow any text advertising on the blog. It’s not because I had it on this blog and it lost its page rank. It’s mainly because even back then on this blog it seemed out of place. I mean, I have other text links, but they’re associated with the blog itself or my own businesses. I consider a blogroll as being associated with the blog. The text link, though; I personally can’t figure out how it fits into the scheme of things, and I don’t want to go that route at all.

That means, second (I always figure there should be a “second” if there’s a “first”), the only thing left is a banner ad of some type. I don’t have a problem with a banner ad, because those I already have on the blog. I’m telling everyone that the largest it can be is 200×200, since that fits a side panel; I don’t see myself popping anyone else’s 468×68 banner ad into any of those posts, and I’m only running that type of ad at the top of each individual post through Commission Junction.

What I’ve been offering is to run banner ads at $10 a month. One guy said it was too high, others haven’t commented yet. I don’t think it’s too high at all; matter of fact, I’m wondering if it’s kind of low. I’ve also said the banner ads would be nofollow; I don’t think they like that either, but that’s my prerogative, right?

At the same time, though I’ve made the offer, I’d also have to figure out where I’d put it. Too high and it messes up the seemingly balanced site if people go from the main page to one of the articles. Too low and the advertiser might feel like they’re not getting their money’s worth, no matter what I charge.

Also, there’s the thing about relevance and location. I have a lot of UK companies wanting to advertise on the site, but I’ve stuck with American only. My thought is that most of my readers of that blog are from the United States, and I don’t want to intentionally be sending them to the UK for something they might want, then find out they can’t use it here. And relevance to finance is important as well; I’ve outright turned down products such as medical equipment because it’s not a medical blog of any sort, even if I do comment on medical finances and, of course, health care reform.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Am I being too tough or too lenient, and would you care about text ads, relevance, or location?

Desert Biodome

8 thoughts on “Charging For Advertising”

  1. I don’t think you’re being unreasonable at all. It’s your blog. All of those things, relevance, text ads and location are extremely important. Stick to your guns. If you prefer text ads to banner ads, let the advertiser know. If you want US related stuff only, that’s your prerogative. Don’t compromise on things that you feel are important just to make a few bucks. Just my two cents.
    .-= DeAnna Troupe´s last blog ..Home Business Ideas Using Craiglist =-.

  2. I’ll add to that – i dont think your being unreasonable – the ad has to fit the theme of the blog and is always going to be peripheral to it.

    After all the last thing you want is something that detracts from the content.

    I am still trying to decide but I am almost of the mind to do away with all the Ads on my Blog and just keep an optin box so people can receive newsletters.

    Ive seen some very succesful blogs with very little on them apart from pure content.
    .-= Peter Davies´s last blog ..Reasons Why Email Marketing is Better Than Print Advertising =-.

    1. I’ve struggled with that one here and there, Peter. It’s not a blog that makes a lot of money. And yet, my mind says that every once in awhile I put up something that someone’s looking for, or at least looking for information on at that moment, and if they’re going to buy from someone why not me.

  3. Spot on brother. It’s your blog man, do what you feel id right, in your mind.

    Charge what you feel your stats are worth.

    Place where you feel beneficial to both, while not screwing with the natural order of things.

    Absolutely follow the Google guidelines (no follow), if you care about such things…some bloggers don’t.
    .-= Dennis Edell | Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..Do You USE Aweber? I Want Your Affiliate Link. Part 2 =-.

    1. Thanks Dennis. You know, I used to run those Text Link Ads on this site, which was bringing in some money, but none of them were relevant to anything I was writing about, and then I got dinged by Google. Don’t care overly much about that, but I do care that those things, in my mind, didn’t quite look like they belonged, which they didn’t. Not sure my banner ads do either, but as I said, at least they’re mine, and I’ll be the one benefiting from them if someone buys.

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