Black Web Friday – 4/6/12

Yes, it’s the 12th week (thanks Carl) of Black Web Friday, and I think it’s going to be another great week of highlights. Since I wrote about Dr. King on Wednesday I don’t really have a lead in this week, so let’s get right to it.

Black Web Friday

Alexis Kenne’s website is named after him (I’ll use that “E” word later probably) and he talks about making money online; I’m trying to remember if I’ve featured anyone that specifically does that yet. He accepts guest posts, so if you’re looking for an opportunity to spread your fame his might be one of the places to go. I will say that he’s more of a facilitator on his blog than a content writer, since his last original post seems to be from December, but that doesn’t negate that there’s pretty good content there from others. As a matter of fact, one I know our buddy Beverly would like was on adding press releases to your marketing; I still need to work on that one. His blog offers both the traditional WordPress way of commenting and Facebook commenting.

I mess with her from time to time, but Evelyn Parham‘s eponymously named blog (see, told you I’d use it) talks a lot about eating healthier; actually, eating like a vegan, which we all know I’m not about to do. lol She was highlighted in my very first post on black bloggers in December 2010, and gets more love because she’s got a lot of content on this subject as well as staying healthy in general. She also deviates here and there and talks about internet stuff because, probably like me, it’s intriguing, and we just can’t stop ourselves sometimes. Of course I have to say I’m still not drinking any smoothies! It’s a traditional WordPress commenting blog.

Deeone Higgs writes a blog called Releasing Me Today and it’s a blog geared towards motivation and making you feel good; man, do I need a lot of motivation and good feelings these days. He calls himself a life apprentice and spirit encourager; can’t be mad at that. There’s a lot of nice content about life lessons and moving forward, and who couldn’t use more of that these days? Once again, traditional WordPress commenting system.

Kesha Brown writes the blog Confessions Of An Uncommon Chick and in a lot of ways reminds me of me and this blog. That’s because she writes about whatever she wants to write about and does very well in that vein. You might get a post on motivation or on movies or on internet stuff or even about her; nothing wrong with that. She states that her goal in life is to be happy; I’m feeling that. She uses a cool customized theme, but it’s a traditional WordPress blog commenting system; a 4-0 sweep this week!

15 thoughts on “Black Web Friday – 4/6/12”

  1. Yay for the sweep! And kudos for the excellent roundup.
    I can see a directory in your future…?

    It would be cool to see all of these summarized in a neat package.



  2. Nice one, Mitch yeah I am tracking all your posts, learn from the best. I like the new list of blogs and I am starting to check the topics published there, I am sure that I will find something useful, especially related to making money online.

      1. Agree, Mitch and I must add that content is really high quality, I wish I can find enough time and publish at least that much myself, but for now I have left the things in the hands of guest authors on few of my main projects.

  3. Hi, Mitch! Thank you for sharing these useful websites. I am an online worker and I am particularly interested in Alexis Kenne’s website. I checked out his website and it has lots of SEO stuff in it 🙂

  4. Heeeey Mitch! So grateful you shared The Uncommon Chick’s blog! *hugs*

    I’m already connected with Deeone and Evelyn but will surely check out Alexis.

    You are awesome! Thank you!


  5. Hi Mitch!


    I am appreciate you sharing my blog with your readers. You’re like the big brother I never had, always messing with his little sister. 🙂

    Take care and have a great week, and don’t for get to eat your vegetables. lol


    1. Glad to feature you Evelyn. I do read from time to time since it’s more than just food stuff, and sometimes I take a quick look at those posts as well. 🙂

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