Time Magazine has come out with a list of the Top 50 Inventions of 2009. I’ve taken a look at the list and feel totally lost. Most of these things I’ve never heard of, and as I like to consider myself a news and science junkie, this is quite disappointing. Let’s see which ones I’ve at least heard of, if not personally used.
I’m not a gamer, but I have heard of controller free gaming, where the body is the control and everything reacts based on body movements. That sounds intriguing, but I’ve yet to see it in practice.
I’ve heard that there’s a new Aids vaccine, but it comes along the lines of every other vaccine that still hasn’t had much done with it. Why it’s on the list, I have no idea.
Vertical farming is a very interesting concept, one that’s not really an invention in 2009, but has started coming out as a viable option in farming. In essence, it’s farming in buildings rather than on the land. One builds tall buildings where some of the layers have dirt and crops. You could build these in large cities, which would cut down on the cost of importing certain items into the city, and potentially be able to feed the entire city from within. The problems right now are having enough electricity to handle it on a large scale and of course having enough water But the concept is a fantastic one.
The 3-D camera is the last thing on the list that I’ve heard of. Instead of one lens, it has two, trying to simulate how life views things to try to give a more realistic image. The problem is that, to see it in 3-D, you have to have a special viewer, otherwise it looks just like any other image. Not necessarily Harry Potter
stuff, but it’s an interesting concept.
Isn’t that a shame? Out of 50 items I’ve only heard of four of them, and only one of them do I know anything significant about; ouch. Is this a sign of age, or is this a sign of everything else being so cutting edge that there’s no reason I should know about them? I’m sure you’ll let me know, and I’m betting those closer to my age will give answers closer to mine, if they’re honest. lol
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I think we need to get better science feeds. The farming one has been around but thought it would be more along the lines of hydroponics which would not need soil but water and energy. I could see this coupled with solar energy in farming buildings on the outskirts of major cities.
Scott, I think the list is fairly lame, especially since the few things I knew about aren’t quite new for 2009. The hydropolics thing is being tested on a small scale, but they’re saying they’re not sure it would work on a grand scale, especially since some of the vertical farming projects would be outside.
You know, I get the idea of the indoor farm but … man what about wide open spaces?
They would still be around. The idea is that, for large cities, they could grow all their own stuff in the city and save money from having to import goods. That, plus the land won’t get damaged because of overfarming.
Hopefully, our government will support all of these inventions. Most of these can be very useful in our daily living. I like the “edible race car”, it is what we need during this time that we are facing environment problems.
.-= Jack Courtney´s last blog ..Capstar Review =-.
That’s an interesting take on things, Jack. I’m doubting the Feds would care about most of these things, although I’m hoping they’ll help fund the things for our health.